About managing listings using SQL¶
Providers can use listings to share data products with accounts in any Snowflake region. To learn more about listings, see About listings.
Providers can use SQL commands to create and manage listings and offer them to specific consumers. To share a listing using SQL, providers complete the following tasks:
(Optional) Create a Provider Profile to offer listings. See About listing providers.
Providers can’t offer paid, personalized listings, or listings on private data exchanges.
Prerequisites for working with listings using SQL¶
Review and accept the Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms.
You don’t need to accept the Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms if you’re creating free private listings and you’ve accepted the Snowflake Customer-Controlled Data Sharing Functionality Terms.
Prepare the data for your listing. See Prepare data for a listing.
Review the Provider Policies.
Configure account privileges.
Listing and application owner roles¶
When you create a listing, you create it from the account that has the data or application package in it. The role that attaches a data product to a listing and publishes the listing must be the same role that created, and therefore owns, the application package or share. You cannot transfer the OWNERSHIP privilege for a share.
If you use a different role to create and manage the listing, grant the MODIFY privilege on the listing to the role that owns the application package or share. For example:
- Share or application package owner role:
OWNERSHIP privilege on the share or application package. MODIFY privilege on the listing.
- Listing owner role:
OWNERSHIP privilege on the listing.
Within the provider account, you can use one of the following to create and manage listings:
If you use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to create and manage listings, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment.
- Custom role:
If you use a custom role, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment to the ACCOUNTADMIN role, which can then be used to grant the relevant privileges to the custom role.
For more information about granting sharing privileges, see Granting Privileges to Other Roles.
Define a listing manifest¶
To create a listing you must first create a listing manifest. Manifests are written in YAML (https://yaml.org/spec/), and include a prefix and required and optional fields.
For example, to create a simple titled listing with listing terms, define a manifest similar to:
title: A title for the listing.
subtitle: An optional subtitle.
description: A general description.
profile: Provider profile reference.
listing_terms: ...
targets: ...
Each manifest then includes additional sections, such as:
auto_fulfillment: ...
And a number of optional fields, such as data_dictionary
, business_needs
, and more.
A simple manifest would include:
title: "MyFirstListing"
subtitle: "Example listing"
description: "This is my first listing!"
type: "OFFLINE"
accounts: ["Org1.Account1"]
For more information, see Listing manifest reference.
For additional examples and use cases associated with managing listings using SQL see Manage listings with SQL as a provider - examples.
Create a listing using SQL¶
To create a listing, you use the CREATE LISTING command, specifying a name and the listing details inline in a YAML manifest that describes the listing. Listings created using CREATE LISTING … are automatically published. After a listing is created, you can alter it using ALTER LISTING, which includes unpublish and publish support.
Note that unlike Snowsight, when you create a listing using SQL the associated share must already exist.
Additionally, listings can be described, shown, published and unpublished, and dropped.
Creating a listing using SQL is conceptually similar to Share data or apps with specific consumers using a private listing. You should be familiar and comfortable with creating, viewing, and publishing listings using Snowsight and Provider Studio before creating listings using SQL. For more information, see Share data or apps with specific consumers using a private listing.
Before you create your listing, ensure you have completed all prerequisites.
For example, if you want to create a DRAFT listing my1stlisting
from share myshare
with title “My first SQL listing”, execute the following command:
SHARE myshare AS
title: "My first SQL listing"
description: "This is my first listing"
type: "OFFLINE"
accounts: ["Org1.Account1"]
Listings are identified using the listing’s NAME. A listing NAME is the identifier used when initially creating the listing. In the example above, the listing name is MY1STLISTING. While title, subtitle and other listing characteristics can be altered, NAME cannot be altered by specifying a new name in yaml. Use ALTER LISTING … RENAME TO to rename a listing. Commands such as ALTER LISTING, SHOW LISTINGS, DESCRIBE LISTING, and DROP LISTING all use NAME to identify a listing. Listing NAME is not shown in Snowsight, which identifies listings by title.
For additional examples and use-cases associated with managing listings using SQL see Manage listings with SQL as a provider - examples.
Publish a listing using SQL¶
You can publish and un-publish listings using ALTER LISTING … PUBLISH and ALTER LISTING … UNPUBLISH.
For more information about publishing listings using Snowsight, see Publish a listing.
Note that listings can be automatically published when created using CREATE LISTING.
For example, to publish the previously unpublished listing, execute the following command:
Additionally, before a listing can be dropped, it must be un-published. To un-publish a previously published listing, execute a command similar to:
For additional examples and use-cases associated with managing listings using SQL see Manage listings with SQL as a provider - examples.
Expand the definition of a listing using SQL¶
The previous example did not include targets or usage examples. You can use the ALTER LISTING to alter a listing’s characteristics. In this example, we update an existing listing to add targets and example SQL. Note that the original YAML manifest is extended to include new content.
To alter a listing to include additional fields execute a command similar to:
title: "My First SQL Listing"
description: "This is my first listing"
type: "OFFLINE"
accounts: ["Org1.Account1"]
- title: "this is a test sql"
description: "Simple example"
query: "select *"
For additional examples and use-cases associated with managing listings using SQL see Manage listings with SQL as a provider - examples.
Examine listings using SQL¶
Much like tables and other SQL elements, listings can be described and shown. DESCRIBE LISTING takes a single listing name
as a parameter and provides details about that listing. SHOW LISTINGS can provide information about a group of listings, using a
filter, or all listings created by a given account if no filter is provided.
To show the details of the MY1STLISTING listing, execute a command similar to:
To show all listings that your role has access to, execute a command similar to:
To describe the listing MY1STLISTING, execute a command similar to:
Drop listings using SQL¶
To remove a listing, you must first un-publish the listing. You should be familiar with removing listings using Snowsight before dropping listings using SQL. For more information about removing listings using Snowsight, see Remove listings as a provider.
To un-publish a listing, execute a command similar to:
To drop a listing, execute a command similar to: