Prepare data for a listing

This topic contains guidance for preparing to create a listing, including how to prepare a data product for different types of listings.

Prepare to create a listing

Before you create a listing, do the following:

  1. Decide how to offer your data product. See Listing availability options and Listing access options.

  2. Set up roles and privileges to simplify creating listings. See Set up roles and privileges for listings.

  3. Identify the objects that you want to share. See Decide what to put in a listing.

  4. Prepare the objects to be shared with others. See Prepare the shares for your listing.

  5. Determine how you want to manage access to your data product:

  6. Choose which cloud region(s) you want to offer your listing in. See Prepare your listing to be shared in other regions.

The listing and data share must be in compliance with the Snowflake Provider Policies.

Set up roles and privileges for listings

When you create a listing, you create it from the account that has the data or application package in it. The role that attaches a data product to a listing and publishes the listing must be the same role that created, and therefore owns, the application package or share. You cannot transfer the OWNERSHIP privilege for a share.

If you use a different role to create and manage the listing, grant the MODIFY privilege on the listing to the role that owns the application package or share. For example:

Share or application package owner role:

OWNERSHIP privilege on the share or application package. MODIFY privilege on the listing.

Listing owner role:

OWNERSHIP privilege on the listing.


Within the provider account, you can use one of the following to create and manage listings:


If you use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to create and manage listings, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment.

Custom role:

If you use a custom role, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment to the ACCOUNTADMIN role, which can then be used to grant the relevant privileges to the custom role.

For more information about granting sharing privileges, see Granting Privileges to Other Roles.

Decide what to put in a listing

As you prepare to share data from your account with a listing, decide what to put in the listing.

First, make sure that the data you want to share is in Snowflake, and that you have the legal and contractual rights to share the data. If needed, load the data that you want to share into Snowflake. See Overview of Data Loading.


To the extent any data in your listing or data set is governed by any laws or contractual obligations, you must ensure that you have the legal and contractual rights to share such data. For example, you can only share protected health information (PHI) through a personalized listing and, to do so, you must: (1) have signed a business associate agreement (BAA) with Snowflake and the Consumer receiving the PHI, and; (2) ensure that the Consumer has also signed a BAA with Snowflake. Also, while you can share personal data through both a free or personalized listing, to do so you must have the applicable legal and contractual rights if the data is not publicly available.

Next, decide how to offer the data that you have as a listing. If you plan to offer listings on the Snowflake Marketplace or only as private listings directly with specific customers, you might make different decisions about what to place inside the listing.

  • Consider the availability of your data.

  • Consider the consumers that you expect to access your listings.

  • Consider the formats of the data that you select for the share, such as a table, view, secure view, or other database object.

For example, if you want to provide listings about dog grooming, you might make decisions like the following:

  • Offer a publicly available free listing on the Snowflake Marketplace with information about dog breeds and fur length.

  • Offer a limited trial listing on the Snowflake Marketplace with a sample data product that contains data about the time it takes to groom a standard poodle, with the option for consumers to request a full data product about grooming insights for more dog breeds.

  • Offer a limited trial listing on the Snowflake Marketplace with a data product that contains data about the time it takes to groom any breed of dog, with the option for consumers to request unlimited access to your data product.

  • Offer a private listing to a partner organization with insights about the length of time it takes to groom various dogs, and the typical frequency of grooming appointments for different dog breeds.

In this example, you offer valuable data on the Snowflake Marketplace, but offer more specific insights to an organization that you already have a trusted business relationship with.

Prepare the shares for your listing

You can create a share before creating a listing, or select the database, tables, and views to comprise your data product when you create the listing. See Working with Shares.

If you plan to offer many listings, create shares separately from listings so that you can more easily manage your data product. You cannot provide multiple listings from the same share.

Consider how to keep shares updated

Consider the maintenance of the data in your share. Over time, you might need to make changes to your data shares as the information that you want to provide in listings changes.

You also need to consider how to keep the data in shares updated, and make sure that the contents of the share are useful to consumers.

If objects in a share are dropped and later recreated, you need to add the recreated objects to the share so that they remain available to consumers. For example, if you refresh some data in the share by dropping and recreating a table in the database, you need to update the share to include the recreated table.

Prepare the data to be shared

Prepare the data that you want to share in your listing to be shared with others.

  • Use unquoted object identifiers for tables, columns, and share names. Use only upper case and alphanumeric characters for object names to let listing consumers use the shared data objects without having to double-quote identifiers. See Identifier Requirements.

  • Protect sensitive data in shared databases. Create secure views and use secure objects to control access to data. See Using Secure Objects to Control Data Access

  • You can add shares that are already shared with a consumer account, such as with a direct share, to a listing.

  • A share can only be attached to one listing. If a share has already been attached to a listing, you cannot attach it to another listing, even if the listing has been deleted.

  • Do not use account-level roles to protect data, such as with a policy or a secure view definition. Auto-fulfillment does not replicate account-level roles. For more information about this restriction, see Auto-fulfillment for objects that depend on account roles. Instead, use database roles and the IS_DATABASE_ROLE_IN_SESSION system function. For more information, see Share data protected by a policy.

Prepare to offer a limited trial listing

A limited trial listing lets you offer either a sample of your data product as a free trial, giving consumers insight into what might be available from a full data product or limited time access to your full data product. Providers can set the availability period for limited trial listings from 1 to 90 days. For more information about limited trial listings, see Limited trial listings.

If you choose to offer a sample of your full data product, the sample data product ideally provides a subset of the real data included in your full data product and is representative of the full data product in the following ways:

  • Contains the same columns.

  • Contains the same or similar ranges and distributions of values in the data.

Limited trial listings include a data dictionary, so the general shape of the data in the full data product should be clear from the sample data product that you offer.

For example, if you are a dog training and grooming company, you might consider offering one of the following sample data products with a limited trial listing:

Sample data product recommendation

Sample data product example

Full data product example

Contains a complete dataset for a specific complete attribute of the data.

Contains up-to-date grooming insights for a Standard Poodle.

Contains up-to-date grooming insights for all dog breeds.

Contains the full dataset for a specific, outdated time period.

Contains grooming insights and prices for all dog breeds from May, 2021.

Contains up-to-date grooming insights and prices for all dog breeds.

Contains synthetic data that is representative of the full data product.

Contains up-to-date insights and prices about training the fictional Acadian Hound dog breed.

Contains up-to-date insights and prices about training all dog breeds.

Offering a relevant and complete subset of your full data product as the sample data product for your limited trial listing helps consumers understand the value of your full data product and makes them more likely to request the full data product.

Limit functionality of your Snowflake Native App for trial consumers

If you offer your Snowflake Native App on the Snowflake Marketplace as a limited trial listing and want to limit the functionality available to trial consumers, use the SYSTEM$IS_LISTING_TRIAL system function when creating secure views, secure UDFs, or Streamlit apps included in your Snowflake Native App.

Using the system function to control the visibility of data and UDF output means that you don’t have to maintain a separate application package to limit functionality to trial consumers.

You can limit the functionality of the following:

  • Secure view

  • Secure user-defined function (UDF)

  • Application logic, such as the setup script or a Streamlit app.

For more details about adding data content or UDFs to your application package, see:

Example 1: Return different data in a view to consumers in a trial

To define a secure view that returns data only to consumers with access to the full version of your Snowflake Native App, you could use the following example code:

CREATE OR REPLACE SECURE VIEW limited_functionality_view
    FROM db_name.schema_name.table_name

If a consumer that is trialing your Snowflake Native App attempts to query the view, they see no results.

Example 2: Show the output of a secure SQL UDF only to non-trial consumers

To define a secure SQL UDF shared_function() that returns results only to consumers with access to the full version of your Snowflake Native App, you could use the following example code:

CREATE OR REPLACE SECURE FUNCTION schema_name.shared_function()
        THEN 'full product'
      ELSE 'trial'

In this example, if a consumer is trialing your Snowflake Native App, when they call the secure UDF they see the output trial.

Example 3: Show a different Streamlit UI to trial consumers

You can also call the system function inside of a Streamlit app to limit the functionality of your Streamlit app in a Snowflake Native App. For example, you can display one title in the UI to consumers that trial your Snowflake Native App, and another title to consumers with full access to your Snowflake Native App.

# Import python packages
import streamlit as st
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session

session = get_active_session()
# Here we assign result of our function to a variable
result = session.sql("SELECT SYSTEM$IS_LISTING__TRIAL()")

# Write directly to the app
if result:
  st.title("Enjoy your limited trial of this application!")
  st.title("Welcome to the full version of this application!")

Prepare to offer a paid listing

If you want to charge for your listing, you must do the following:

  1. Determine if you can offer paid listings. See Who can provide paid listings.

  2. Prepare the data to offer a trial of the data. See Prepare shares for a paid listing.

  3. Decide on the pricing plan that best fits your listing. See Paid listings pricing models to review the available pricing plans.

Where you can publish paid listings

Only providers in certain regions can publish paid listings. See Who can provide paid listings.

In addition, paid listings can only be published to certain regions. See Supported consumer locations to see to which regions you can publish paid listings.

Prepare shares for a paid listing

When you offer a paid listing on the Snowflake Marketplace, you must offer consumers the ability to trial the listing before they purchase it. Trials are optional for paid private listings. As part of the trial, you can limit consumers to specific data and functionality, a specific time period, or a combination.

If you choose to limit trial consumers to specific data and functionality, create a single share for your paid listing and use secure views and a system function provided by Snowflake, SYSTEM$IS_LISTING_PURCHASED, to control which data is visible to trial consumers and which data is available only to paying consumers.


If your listing includes a secure user-defined function (UDF), you cannot limit visibility of the UDF. Both paying customers and trial customers of your listing can view the secure UDF.

Refer to the following examples to create your own secure views to display different data to paying consumers and trial consumers.

If you want to allow trial consumers to use all data in your listing for a limited period of time, do not use the SYSTEM$IS_LISTING_PURCHASED function in your view definitions for your share.

Example 1: Return data based on the purchase status of the account

Create a secure view that selects all columns in a table. The view returns rows only when queried within a consumer account that has purchased your paid listing.


Example 2: Return a subset of rows based on the purchase status of the account

Create a secure view that returns a subset of rows based on the boolean value of a specific column in the data. In this example, the underlying table contains a column named is_free that is used to determine which data to show to which consumers.

Some rows have is_free set to TRUE, indicating that the data in those rows can be shown to trial consumers. Other rows have is_free set to FALSE, indicating that the data in those rows should be shown only to paying consumers.

This example view is set up to return all rows only when it is queried by a consumer account that has purchased the paid listing, otherwise it returns only the rows where is_free is set to TRUE.


Example 3: Return only the most recent rows based on the purchase status of the account

Create a secure view that returns only rows from the previous 7 days to a consumer account that is trialing, but has not yet purchased, your paid listing.

This example uses a column with a timestamp data type to filter the data, but you can use other column data types in your secure view definition.

    (timestamp > current_timestamp() - interval '7 days')

Validate secure views for paid and trial data

After you prepare your secure views, validate that you set them up correctly by simulating the experiences of paid and trial consumer accounts. Run queries against the secure views to confirm that each type of consumer has access to the expected data.


This method does not validate whether consumers can securely access your data. This method only validates whether the share works as expected for your consumers.

To validate your shares, execute a query against a secure view using SHARE_CONTEXT(SYSTEM$IS_LISTING_PURCHASED):

  AS <query>


  • SYSTEM$IS_LISTING_PURCHASED specifies whether you want to validate as a paid consumer, or as a trial or unpaid consumer. The valid values are:

    • TRUE, to validate the share as a paid consumer.

    • FALSE, to validate the share as a trial or unpaid consumer.

  • <query> is the SQL query that you want to run against the secure view.

When you use the command to run your query, the query is executed against the share as though you are a consumer.

For example, suppose you have a share that you want to validate. Your share includes a secure view named PURCHASED_VIEW, which protects all data from a table named SHARE_TABLE. You want to validate that the data can be accessed only by a consumer that purchased the listing.

To confirm that trial consumers cannot access any data in the secure view, run the following query:

EXECUTE USING share_context(system$is_listing_purchased=>'FALSE')

If the secure view works as expected and no data is accessible to trial consumers, your query returns the following response:

Query produced no results

To confirm that your paid consumers have access to the data, run the following query:

EXECUTE USING share_context(system$is_listing_purchased=>'TRUE')

If the secure view works as expected, your query returns all of the columns and rows in SHARE_TABLE, the desired outcome for paid consumers.

Prepare your listing to be shared in other regions

When you configure your listing, you can choose to offer it in different regions. Offering listings in other regions requires replicating data.

Consider the time it takes to replicate data and the costs involved in replication.

All cross-region data sharing at Snowflake uses Snowflake’s data replication functionality. See Sharing Data Securely Across Regions and Cloud Platforms.