Remove listings as a provider

When you delete a listing, you permanently remove the listing. A deleted listing cannot be recovered or republished to the Snowflake Marketplace.

You must have MODIFY or OWNERSHIP privileges on a listing to delete a listing.

About removing listings, remote data, and data access

After a provider deletes a listing, no one can access the listing page. However, the listing might appear in search results until the change propagates throughout the system.

If there are existing consumers, they are immediately notified by email that the listing is being retired. The notification includes the date when listing will become unavailable. That date is based on the type of listing and the date when the provider initiated the removal.

Snowflake Marketplace consumers get to keep access to the listing for a period of time, called a retirement window, between the date when the notification is sent and when the listing becomes inaccessible. This window gives consumers time to plan for the change, reducing their risk of data loss. During the retirement window, consumers still retain access to the listing. The data auto-fulfilled to remote regions for the deleted listing remains in place and available to existing consumers throughout the retirement window.

The retirement window is different for paid listings and free or limited trial listings, as described below.

Paid listings

  • Paid listings are those that are paid for through Snowflake Marketplace.

  • The retirement window for a paid listing always contains one full calendar month, regardless of the number of days in the month. The retirement window for advance payment listings is three years (36 months).

  • If you delete a listing on the first day of the month (March 1, for example), the retirement window continues through the last day of the month (March 31). The effective date for the removal of the listing is the first day of the next month (April).

  • If you delete a listing after first day of the month (March 2, for example), the retirement window continues until the first and last day of a complete month pass. The effective date for the removal of the listing is the first day of the next month (May).

Free and limited trial listings

  • Free listings include listings that are provided at no charge through the marketplace. Free listings also include listings that are paid for on a platform outside Snowflake.

  • The retirement window for free and limited trial listings is exactly 30 days from the date of deletion. For example, let’s say you delete the listing on March 10. The effective date for the removal of the listing is April 9.

When the retirement window closes on the date of removal, the listing is no longer accessible to consumers. If the data was replicated to other regions using Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment, it is removed from those regions on the effective date of removal.

If there are no existing consumers, the listing is removed entirely when you delete it.


Deleted listings cannot be recovered.

Delete a listing

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select the Listings tab, then select the name of the listing you want to delete.

  4. If the listing is published on the Snowflake Marketplace, in the top-right corner, select Live » Unpublish to unpublish the listing.

  5. Select Delete.

  6. If your listing has consumers, review the Initiate Listing & Consumer Access Removal summary, and then select Initiate Removal.

  7. To confirm that you want to remove the listing, select Proceed. This process cannot be reversed.

  8. Select Done.