Create and publish a listing

This topic contains procedures for creating and publishing a listing privately or on the Snowflake Marketplace.

Prerequisites for listing creation

To learn more about the requirements for becoming a provider, see About listing providers.

Considerations for sharing listings to accounts in US government regions

Providers who want to share listings with consumer accounts in US government regions must consider the following:

Share data or apps with specific consumers using a private listing

You can create free or paid listings to share directly with specific consumers. You might create a private listing to fulfill a request from a limited trial listing, or to share data or apps with a consumer with whom you already have a business relationship.

You must know a consumer’s account identifier to share a listing with them. See Finding the Organization and Account Name for an Account.


Your role must have the required privileges to create a listing. See Privileges required for working with listings.

Create a free private listing

  1. Open Provider Studio. Or, sign in to Snowsight. Then navigate to Data Products » Provider Studio.

  2. Select + Create Listing. The Create Listing window opens.

  3. Enter a name for your listing.

  4. In the Who can discover the listing section, select Only specified consumers.

  5. In the How will consumers access the data product? section, select Free.

  6. Select Next.

  7. Choose + Select to select the objects to attach to the listing.

    • If you select one or more database objects, Snowflake creates a secure share with those objects. You can change the name of the secure share.

    • If you select an existing secure share, the name of the share that you select appears.

  8. Enter a description for your listing.

  9. (Optional) If you have multiple provider profiles, select which provider profile to publish this listing as. If you do not select a provider profile, your organization and account name are used.

  10. In the Add consumer accounts section, add the organization and account names for the consumers that you want to share the listing with.

  11. If you add a consumer account in a region that is not your local region, Snowflake enables auto-fulfillment to replicate data to the remote region after a consumer gets your listing. Complete the following additional steps:

    1. In the Auto-fulfillment section, enter a value and select an interval to specify how often to replicate your data product from your region to the remote region.

    2. If you don’t have a default warehouse set, select a warehouse to use for auto-fulfillment.

    See Configure Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment for more details.

  12. Select Publish to publish the listing to the selected consumers, or select Save Draft to save it as a draft.

Create a paid private listing

  1. Create a listing.

  2. Configure the listing to prepare it for publishing.

  3. Submit the listing for approval and publishing.

  4. Sign in to Snowsight.

  5. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  6. Select + Create Listing. The Create Listing window opens.

  7. Enter a name for your listing.

  8. In the Who can discover the listing section, select Only specified consumers.

  9. In the How will consumers access the data product? section, select Paid to charge for the listing.

  10. Select Next. A draft listing is created.

  11. Configure additional required and optional capabilities. See Configure a listing.

Create a usage-based trial

In a usage-based trial, you can offer a number of free queries that consumers can run against your data product. After all free queries have been used, the consumer must purchase the data product to run additional queries.

To add a trial to a listing, the listing must have a data product attached and you must have the ACCOUNTADMIN role or the OWNERSHIP privilege on the listing. To learn more about the privileges required to manage listings, see Prepare data for a listing.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products > Provider Studio.

  3. Select Listings and then select an existing listing, or create a new listing.

  4. In the Access & Pricing section, select Edit or Add next to Pricing & Trial.

  5. Select Usage-based.

  6. In the Monthly Fee field, enter a monthly fee.

  7. Optional. In the Queries area, enter the cost per query and the number of included queries.

  8. If you entered a cost per query, enter the maximum monthly charge in the Maximum Monthly Charge field.

  9. In the Free Trial area, select one of the following usage trial types:

    • Limited Usage

    • Limited Time

    • Limited Functionality

    • Limited Functionality & Time

  10. If you selected Limited Usage, enter a value in the Number of Free Queries During Trial field.

  11. If you selected Limited Time or Limited Functionality & Time, enter a value in the Length of Trial field.

  12. Select Save.

Convert a direct share to a free private listing

You can convert a direct share to a free private listing, or to a listing published on the Snowflake Marketplace. When you do so:

  • Existing consumers retain access to the share.

  • You gain access to usage analytics starting from the date the listing is published. Historical usage data is not available.

  • You can use auto-fulfillment to share with consumers in remote regions if you are not already using replication for the objects in your share and if your share only contains objects supported by auto-fulfillment. See Objects supported for auto-fulfillment.

  • You cannot convert your share to a paid listing if your share has active consumers.

If you decide to use auto-fulfillment to support remote consumers of your share, coordinate the following workflow with the remote consumers of your data:

  • After you publish the listing, let consumers in remote regions know how to access the listing. See Access a private listing.

  • After the consumers in remote regions get your listing, auto-fulfillment replicates the data to the remote region. See How Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment works.

  • When auto-fulfillment completes, the consumer receives an email that the data is available. At that point, the consumer must do the following:

    • Drop the existing imported database created from the direct share.

    • Get the listing and create a database, using the same name as the database imported from the direct share.

After setting up your direct share as a listing, you can use Provider Studio to manage and modify your listing. See Modify published listings and Monitor listing use

To create a listing published on the Snowflake Marketplace, see Share data or apps on the Snowflake Marketplace.

  1. Complete the requirements for providing listings. See Prerequisites for listing creation.

  2. Sign in to Snowsight.

  3. In the left navigation bar, select Data » Provider Studio.

  4. Select + Create Listing. The Create Listing window opens.

  5. Enter a name for your listing.

  6. In the Who can discover the listing section, select Only specified consumers.

  7. In the How will consumers access the data product? section, select Free. You cannot convert your share to a paid listing if your share has active consumers.

  8. Select Next.

  9. Choose + Select and locate your direct share. If you do not see your share in the list, confirm that it has not already been attached to a listing.

  10. Enter a description for the listing.

  11. (Optional) Select a provider profile to publish this listing as. If you do not select a provider profile, your organization and account name are used.

  12. (Optional) In the Add consumer accounts section, add consumer accounts to share with. The consumer accounts added to the direct share are automatically added to the listing and display in this section.

  13. If you add a consumer account in a region that is not your local region, Snowflake enables auto-fulfillment to replicate data to the remote region. Complete the following additional steps:

    1. In the Auto-fulfillment section, enter a value and select an interval to specify how often to replicate your data product from your region to the remote region.

    2. If you don’t have a default warehouse set, select a warehouse to use for auto-fulfillment.

  14. Select Publish to publish the listing to the selected consumers, or select Save Draft to save it as a draft.

Share data or apps on the Snowflake Marketplace


Before you create and publish a paid listing on the Snowflake Marketplace, contact your business development partner at Snowflake. If you do not have a business development partner, submit a case with Marketplace Operations. This step is required for listing approval.


Your role must have the required privileges to create a listing. See Privileges required for working with listings.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select + Create Listing. The Create Listing window opens.

  4. Enter a name for your listing.

  5. In the Who can discover the listing section, select Anyone on the Marketplace to publish the listing on the Snowflake Marketplace.

  6. In the How will consumers access the data product? section, select one of the following options:

    • Free to offer a data product that is freely available to consumers.

    • Limited trial to offer a trial of your data product, with unlimited access to the data product available on request.

    • Paid to charge for your data product on Snowflake.

  7. Select Next. A draft listing is created.

  8. Configure the listing to prepare it for publishing.

  9. Submit the listing for approval and publishing.

Configure a listing

You must provide additional details for paid private listings and any listing offered on the Snowflake Marketplace before you can submit your listing for approval or publish it to specific consumers.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select the Listings tab, then select the draft listing you want to configure.

  4. Select Add next to each section that appears on the page and provide the required information.

    As you provide information for each section, refer to Configure listings for information on each field. The specific properties available to edit depend on the type of listing that you create.

Publish a listing

After creating and configuring a listing, you can publish a listing.

The specific procedures for publishing a listing depend on whether you’re publishing a free private listing, offering a paid listing privately, or offering any listing on the Snowflake Marketplace:

To publish a listing, you must use the ACCOUNTADMIN role or another role with the OWNERSHIP privilege for the listing that you want to publish.

When you publish a listing, it is visible to consumers in all current and future Marketplace regions, but consumers can only get, purchase, or request your product in regions you select.

Publish a listing to specific consumers

To share a private listing with specific consumer accounts, you must publish the listing to those accounts. Private listings do not appear on the Snowflake Marketplace.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select the Listings tab, then select the draft listing you want to publish.

  4. Select Publish.

After you publish the listing, the listing is available for the selected consumers to access from Private Sharing. See Access and install listings as a consumer.


After you publish a private listing, you cannot change the share associated with the listing.

Publish a listing on the Snowflake Marketplace

Every listing in the Snowflake Marketplace must go through the review and approval process. After a listing is approved, it can be published in the Snowflake Marketplace. If a listing is rejected, review the feedback comments, update the listing, and resubmit it for approval.

Submit your listing for approval

Before you can publish a listing to the Snowflake Marketplace, you must submit the listing to Snowflake for approval.

If you want to submit your listing for approval but the option to Submit for Approval is disabled, check the following:

  • You completed the steps to configure the listing. See Configure a listing.

  • You are the ACCOUNTADMIN or have the OWNERSHIP privilege for the data product attached to the listing.

  • All sample SQL queries attached to the listing pass validation.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select the Listings tab, then select the draft listing you want to submit for approval.

  4. Select Submit for Approval.

  5. After the listing is reviewed by Snowflake, the state changes to Approved or Denied.

    If the listing has been denied, update the listing based on the feedback provided in comments, and resubmit it for approval.

    When a listing is approved or denied, an email notification is sent to both the Business Contact and Technical Contact email addresses in the provider profile associated with the listing.

Publish your listing

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select the Listings tab, then select the approved listing you want to publish.

  4. Select Publish.

After you publish your Snowflake Marketplace listing for the first time, subsequent changes to the listing that require approval from Snowflake are published automatically after approval. To prevent your listing from being automatically published, see Deactivate automatic publishing.

When you publish a listing, it is visible to consumers in all current and future Snowflake Marketplace regions. Consumers can only get, purchase, or request your product in regions you select. See Configure Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment for more about region availability.

After publishing your Snowflake Marketplace listing, you can define a referral link for the listing. Referral links let you give consumers a direct link to your listing.

Deactivate automatic publishing

After a listing is published, you can deactivate automatic publishing for future changes to the listing.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select the Listings tab, then select the approved listing for which you want to deactivate automatic publishing.

  4. On the listing details page, select Settings.

  5. In the Publishing section of the Listing Settings, select Edit Publishing.

  6. In the Publish Settings dialog, select Manual.

  7. Select Save.

The listing is no longer automatically published. Now, when you make changes to your listing, you must manually publish the listing. See Publish your listing.