Becoming a provider of listings¶

Become a provider to offer listings to consumers privately or on the Snowflake Marketplace.

Why become a provider of listings¶

Becoming a provider of listings in Snowflake makes it easier to manage sharing from your account to other Snowflake accounts.

When you share data as a provider, you can do the following:

Requirements to become a provider¶

To offer listings to consumers privately or on the Snowflake Marketplace, you must meet the following requirements:

To offer specific types of listings, you must also do the following:

Privileges required for working with listings¶

When you create a listing, you create it from the account that has the data or application package in it. The role that attaches a data product to a listing and publishes the listing must be the same role that created, and therefore owns, the application package or share. You cannot transfer the OWNERSHIP privilege for a share.

If you use a different role to create and manage the listing, grant the MODIFY privilege on the listing to the role that owns the application package or share. For example:

Share or application package owner role:

OWNERSHIP privilege on the share or application package. MODIFY privilege on the listing.

Listing owner role:

OWNERSHIP privilege on the listing.


Within the provider account, you can use one of the following to create and manage listings:


If you use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to create and manage listings, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment.

Custom role:

If you use a custom role, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment to the ACCOUNTADMIN role, which can then be used to grant the relevant privileges to the custom role.

Some privileges can only be granted using Snowsight, while others can be granted using SQL or Snowsight.


Required privileges

Grant using

Create a provider profile


SQL or Snowsight

Manage or update a provider profile

The OWNERSHIP or MODIFY privilege on the profile.


Modify listing capabilities and properties

The OWNERSHIP or MODIFY privilege on the listing.


View a listing

The OWNERSHIP, MODIFY, or USAGE privilege on the listing.


Attach a share to a listing

OWNERSHIP of the share and OWNERSHIP or MODIFY privileges on the listing.


Set up auto-fulfillment for a listing

The account-level MANAGE LISTING AUTO FULFILLMENT privilege granted by an ACCOUNTADMIN with delegated privileges, and OWNERSHIP or MODIFY privileges on the listing.


Fulfill a listing request

OWNERSHIP or MODIFY privileges on the listing.


For more information about granting sharing privileges, see Granting Privileges to Other Roles.

Review and accept the Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms of Service¶

Before you can become a Snowflake Marketplace provider, an organization administrator (ORGADMIN) needs to review and accept the combined Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms of Service.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select the user menu and switch to the ORGADMIN role.

  3. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  4. The Review Terms as Organization Administrator dialog displays, unless previously accepted.

  5. To enable users to get and publish listings, select I accept Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms.

    To review the terms of service, select Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms.

  6. Optionally, you can also authorize users in your organization to accept listing terms that use the Standard Agreement for Marketplace Products. By authorizing acceptance of the Standard Agreement, you’re confirming that you’ve reviewed it and the Disclaimer with your legal counsel. You can learn more about the Standard Agreement by reviewing these Frequently Asked Questions.

    1. Select I authorize my organization’s users to accept the Standard Agreement for Marketplace products.

  7. Select Save to save your current selections, or select Cancel to accept the terms another time.


If you see an error, your user profile might be missing some contact information. If you have an administrator role, see Add user details to your user profile to update your profile using Snowsight. Otherwise, contact an account administrator to update your user details.

See Legal requirements for providers and consumers of listings for more details.

Set up a provider profile¶

To offer listings to consumers privately, or on the Snowflake Marketplace, set up a provider profile in Provider Studio. You do not need a provider profile to offer free private listings.

You only need to create a provider profile one time. You can create multiple provider profiles for one account.

Before you can create a provider profile, someone in your Snowflake account must review and accept the Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms of Service. See Review and accept the Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms of Service.


You must use the ACCOUNTADMIN role or a role granted the CREATE DATA EXCHANGE LISTING privilege to complete these steps.

To create a provider profile, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. In Provider Studio, select Profiles.

  4. Select + Profile to create a profile. A dialog box appears.

  5. In the Create Profiles dialog box, complete the fields. All fields are required. For a description of the fields, see Provider profile fields.

  6. Select Next, then verify that your profile details are correct.

  7. Select Submit for Approval, or click Save Draft if you want to review your profile details before submitting it for approval.

Your provider profile must be approved before you can offer paid listings or marketplace listings. For your profile to be approved, Snowflake verifies the following:

  • You have reviewed and accepted the Snowflake Provider and Consumer Terms of Service.

  • Your profile abides by the Snowflake Provider Policies.

See Legal requirements for providers and consumers of listings.

Prepare to provide listings from accounts in U.S. government regions¶

If your account is in a U.S. government region and you want to install data products offered privately or on the Snowflake Marketplace, or offer listings either privately or on the Snowflake Marketplace, you must review and acknowledge the following cross-region disclaimer for your organization.


To get data products and share listings with Snowflake customers outside your region, Snowflake shares organization and account metadata and usage analytics with the customers you collaborate with outside of your region.

Compliance standards, such as FedRAMP, and support for different regulated workloads, such as ITAR, might be different or unavailable outside of your U.S. Government Region. Consider your compliance requirements before choosing to move or share data between Snowflake regions.

You must use the ORGADMIN role and you only need to complete this step once for your organization:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Admin » Billing & Terms.

  3. In the Snowflake Marketplace section, for Sharing & Collaboration, select Review & Enable.

  4. Review the cross-region disclaimer and select Acknowledge & Continue.

  5. Select Done.


If you see an error, your user profile might be missing some contact information. If you have an administrator role, see Add user details to your user profile to update your profile using Snowsight. Otherwise, contact an account administrator to update your user details.

Stop sharing and collaboration from an account in a US government region¶

If you no longer want to offer or access listings from your account in a US government region, do the following:

  1. Delete all of your listings shared from your account, consistent with the applicable requirements in the Provider and Consumer Terms.

  2. Stop consuming listings by dropping the databases imported when you accessed listings.

  3. Contact Snowflake Support to have data sharing and collaboration disabled for your organization.

Limitations for providing listings from accounts in U.S. government regions¶

If you provide listings from an account in a U.S. government region, the following limitations apply:

  • You cannot offer paid or personalized listings.

  • You cannot offer an application package as a data product.

  • You must use Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment, and your data product can only contain objects supported by auto-fulfillment.

Additional considerations apply to providers in non-US-government regions who want to offer listings to accounts in US government regions. See Considerations for sharing listings to accounts in US government regions.

Provide paid listings¶

To publish paid listings to consumers privately or on the Snowflake Marketplace, do the following:

  1. Make sure that your account is eligible to provide paid listings. See Who can provide paid listings.

  2. Before creating a paid listing that you want to publish on the Snowflake Marketplace, contact your business development partner at Snowflake. If you do not have a business development partner, submit a case with Marketplace Operations. This step is required for listing approval.

  3. Set up a payout method to get paid for listings. See Set up Stripe to get paid for listings.


If you are a commercial reseller (VAR) that wants to offer paid listings, use this form to submit a case with Marketplace Operations. You only need to file one case to cover both purchasing and offering listings.

Who can provide paid listings¶

As a provider, you can create paid listings if the billing address on your account is in one of the following countries:

  • Australia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Israel

  • Italy

  • Mexico

  • Netherlands

  • New Zealand

  • Norway

  • Singapore

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • United Kingdom

  • United States

See Supported consumer locations for information on region availability for consumers.

Set up Stripe to get paid for listings¶

To receive payments for your listings, you must set up a Stripe Express account associated with Snowflake. You cannot use an existing Stripe account.

Stripe is the online payment processing system used by Snowflake to process payments from consumers who purchase your paid listings. Payments collected from consumers are disbursed to your Stripe account for Snowflake Marketplace following Stripe receiving payment from the consumer.

When you set up a Stripe Express account, you need to provide information about your business so that Stripe can verify your business details. The person that sets up the Stripe account must also set up multi-factor authentication to set up and manage the Stripe account.

To set up a payout method with Stripe to get paid for listings, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. Select Admin » Billing & Terms.

  3. In the Snowflake Marketplace section, next to Payout Method, select Set up Stripe account.

  4. Complete the required information to create and set up your Stripe account. You get payouts in the official currency of the country as specified in your Snowflake billing entity. To get payouts in USD, your Snowflake billing address must be in the United States. For more information, see Supported accounts and settlement currencies in the Stripe documentation.

After you set up your Stripe account and provide a payout method, the Billing & Terms page reports the current status of the method. The following table describes the different statuses:



Pending verification

Stripe is in the process of verifying your payout method.

Completed & verified

Your payout method has been verified by Stripe. If you have already accepted the Marketplace terms, you are ready to sell products and collect payments.

Incomplete account information

There is an issue with your Stripe account. The web interface provides additional details about the exact issue and how to resolve the problem.


Stripe has rejected your payout method. A valid payout method needs to be provided.

If you encounter issues with setting up Stripe or receiving payments, contact Snowflake Support.

Respond to access requests as an administrator¶

If you’re an account administrator or a database owner, you can provide access to requesting roles. You receive an email about the type of request, whether it’s a installation or usage request. For each request, you receive specific instructions on how to proceed and fulfill the access request effectively. See Becoming a consumer of listings for more information.