Removing listings as a provider¶

When you delete a listing, you permanently remove the listing. A deleted listing cannot be recovered or republished to the Snowflake Marketplace.

The process for deleting a listing depends on the availability and access of the listing:

  • For a paid listing that has consumers, Snowflake retires your listing before deleting it. See About listing retirement.

  • For a free or limited trial listing published on the Snowflake Marketplace, you must unpublish the listing before deleting it. If your account is eligible to provide paid listings, Snowflake retires your free and limited trial listings before deletion. See About listing retirement.

  • For a free private listing shared with specific consumers, you can delete a listing immediately.

If your data was replicated to other regions using Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment, it is removed from those regions when you delete the listing.

Delete a listing¶

You must have MODIFY or OWNERSHIP privileges on a listing to delete a listing.

To delete a listing, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.

  3. Select the Listings tab, then select the name of the listing you want to delete.

  4. If the listing is published on the Snowflake Marketplace, in the top-right corner, select Live » Unpublish to unpublish the listing.

  5. Select Delete.

  6. If your listing has consumers, review the Initiate Listing & Consumer Access Removal summary, and then select Initiate Removal.

  7. To confirm that you want to remove the listing, select Proceed. This process cannot be reversed.

  8. Select Done.

When you delete a listing, it might be retired before it is deleted to reduce the effect on consumers using your listing. See About listing retirement.

About listing retirement¶

Snowflake retires certain listings before deletion to reduce the impact to consumers. Listings that meet the following criteria are retired before deletion:

  • All paid listings.

  • Free and limited trial listings offered on the Snowflake Marketplace by providers eligible to offer paid listings.

  • Consumers retain access to the data product for 30 days after you retire the listing.