Manage applications

Configure and manage an installed application created using the Native Apps Framework.

View installed applications and Streamlit apps

To view an installed application, or a Streamlit app that was installed as part of an application, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Apps.

  3. Review the list of installed applications and Streamlit apps and select the application in the list.

    • If you selected an application, the application opens in a worksheet.

    • If you selected a Streamlit app, the Streamlit app appears.

View the readme file for an application

To view the readme file for an installed application, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Apps.

  3. Select the application in the list, then select the Readme icon in the toolbar.

Grant application roles to account roles

To grant application roles to an account role in your account using Snowsight, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Apps.

  3. Select the application, then select Manage Access.

  4. Select Add roles, then select the account role you want to grant access to an application role.

  5. Select Done.

To grant an application role to an account role in the consumer account using SQL commands, use GRANT APPLICATION ROLE of the GRANT DATABASE ROLE command as shown in the following example:

GRANT APPLICATION ROLE hello_snowflake_app.app_public TO ROLE data_manager;

What to do if an app is unavailable

After installation, a Snowflake Native App can become unavailable for multiple reasons. To check the status of an app, see the value of upgrade_status in the SHOW APPLICATION command. If an app is unavailable, the DESCRIBE APPLICATION command will fail. The error message returned provides information about why the app is unavailable.

The following table lists some of the ways an app can become unavailable and possible ways to resolve the issue:


Possible resolution

Snowflake disabled the app.

Contact Snowflake Support

The consumer account is inactive after being locked or suspended.

The app is re-enabled when the account is restored.

The version of the application was dropped from the application package in the provider account.

In this situation the app is no longer usable and must be uninstalled and reinstalled from a current listing.

The consumer exceeded the usage limit for a usage based trial.

See usage based trial for possible options.

The app was installed from a paid listing, but payment information was not provided or is not current.

Pay for the listing. See Pay for listings for more information.

The trial duration of the listing has exceeded.

Contact the app provider.

Uninstall a Snowflake Native App

You can uninstall an application using Snowsight or by running SQL commands.

Privileges required to uninstall an app

To uninstall an app, you must use a role that has the OWNERSHIP privilege on the app. GRANT OWNERSHIP for more information.

To transfer ownership of objects owned by the app that exist outside the app, you must use a role that has the MANAGE GRANTS privilege on the objects. See Access control considerations for more information.

Uninstall an app using Snowsight

To uninstall an app using Snowsight, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Apps.

  3. Next to the application, select , then select Uninstall.

    If the app created objects that exist outside the app, a dialog appears showing a list of the objects and their types.

    1. Select one of the following:

      • Yes, transfer selected objects to a role.

        If you select this option, choose a role from the list. This role becomes the new owner of the object.


        When using Snowsight, only the following objects owned by the Snowflake Native App can be transferred to a different role:

        • Database

        • Schema

        • Table

        • Views

      • No, delete all objects created outside the app.

        If you select this option, the objects will be deleted when the app is uninstalled.

  4. Select Uninstall.

Uninstall the app using SQL commands

To uninstall an app using SQL commands, do the following:

  1. Use the SHOW OBJECTS OWNED BY APPLICATION command to view the objects owned by the Snowflake Native App that exist outside the app as shown in the following example:

    SHOW OBJECTS OWNED BY APPLICATION hello_snowflake_app;

    This command shows a list of objects and their types.

  2. Optionally, to transfer ownership of an object to a different role, use the GRANT OWNERSHIP command as shown in the following example.

    GRANT OWNERSHIP ON DATABASE na_external_db TO ROLE consumer_role;
  3. To delete the app, run the DROP APPLICATION command as shown in the following example:

    DROP APPLICATION hello_snowflake_app CASCADE;


    If you do not transfer ownership of to a different role, you must used the CASCADE option.