Set up event tracing for an app

This topic describes how to set up use event tracing to capture the log messages and trace events emitted by an app. It also describes how to enable event sharing to share log messages and trace events with providers.

About event tracing in the Snowflake Native App Framework

Event tracing allows an app to emit information related to its performance and behavior. The Snowflake Native App Framework supports using the Snowflake logging and tracing functionality to gather this information. An app can emit the following:

  • Log messages that are independent, detailed messages with information about the state of a specific feature within the app.

  • Trace events with structured data you can use to get information spanning and grouping multiple parts of an app.

  • Metrics data that includes the CPU and memory metrics that Snowflake generates.

View the log messages, trace events, and metrics for an app

To view the log messages and trace events emitted by the app, consumers must set up an event table in their account to collect this information. See Set up an event table for more information.

About event sharing

Consumers can also enable event sharing to share event data with providers. When a provider enables event sharing, the log messages and trace events that are inserted into the event table in the consumer account are also inserted into an event table in provider account.

Event sharing allows the provider to collect information about the app’s performance and behavior. See About event sharing for an app for more information.

About event definitions

Event definitions specify how an app shares log messages and trace events with the provider. Event definitions act as filters on the log message and trace event levels set by the provider. A provider specifies the event definitions for an app when a new version or patch is published.


Event definitions are not required. If a provider does not specify event definitions for an app consumers can enable or disable event sharing as required.

Providers can set an event definition to be required or optional:

  • Required event definitions are enabled automatically when the app is installed. To collect the event definitions emitted by an app, a consumer should create an event table and set it as the active event table for their account.

  • Optional event definitions can be enabled or disable by the consumer as necessary. Optional event definitions require an active event table, but they are not required to install or use the app.


Event definitions are not the same as the log and tracing levels set by the provider. The log and tracing levels determine the information that is inserted into the consumer event table.

Event definitions are filters that act on the log messages and trace events. They determine what information is inserted in the provider event table when event sharing is enabled.

Supported event definitions

The following table lists the event definitions that are currently supported:







Shares all log messages and trace events that the app emits.


Errors and warnings


Shares logs related to errors, warnings, and fatal events.

RECORD_TYPE = ‘LOG’ AND RECORD:severity_text in (‘FATAL’, ‘ERROR’, ‘WARN’)



Shares the CPU and memory metrics that Snowflake generates.

RECORD_TYPE = ‘LOG’ AND RECORD:severity_text in ('ALWAYS', 'ON_EVENT', 'OFF')



Shares detailed traces of user activities and journeys in the application.


Usage logs


Shares high-level logs related to user actions and app events.


Debug logs


Shares technical logs used to troubleshoot the app.

RECORD_TYPE = ‘LOG’ AND RECORD:severity_text in (‘DEBUG’, ‘TRACE’)


If a provider does not configure the app to use event definitions, Snowsight displays only the All type.

Considerations for consumers when using event definitions

Consumers can continue to use the existing SHARE_EVENTS_WITH_PROVIDER property, however there are limitations:

  • If an app only uses the OPTIONAL ALL event definition, setting the SHARE_EVENTS_WITH_PROVIDER property to true enables event sharing and setting it to false disables event sharing.

    This is applicable when a provider explicitly adds the OPTIONAL ALL event definition to the manifest file or an app was migrated from the existing event sharing functionality.

  • If a provider adds mandatory and optional event definitions to the manifest file, setting the SHARE_EVENTS_WITH_PROVIDER property to true enables all event definitions. In contrast, the SHARE_EVENTS_WITH_PROVIDER property can only be set to false if the provider adds only optional event definitions.

    SHARE_EVENTS_WITH_PROVIDER is TRUE only when all event definitions are enabled, otherwise it is FALSE.

Workflow to set up event tracing for an app

The following workflow describes how to set up event tracing for an app:

  1. Review the considerations for using logging and event tracing.

  2. Set up an event table.

  3. View the logging and trace event levels configured for the app.

  4. View the events in the event table.

  5. Enable event sharing on an app.

Considerations when using event tracing

Before setting up event tracing for an app, you must consider the following:

  • This feature requires you to set up an event table in your account.

  • After you enable event sharing, a masked and redacted copy of the trace events and logs messages is automatically inserted in the event table of the designated provider account.

  • Snowflake does not charge you to enable event sharing. However, you are responsible for the cost of ingesting trace events and log message in the event table as well as storage costs for the event table.

  • After enabling event sharing with a provider, you cannot revoke access to shared trace events and log messages.

  • You cannot share historical events using event sharing.

  • Snowflake sends the shared events to a designated provider account within the same region as your account. This feature does not share data across different regions.

  • You cannot change the logging or tracing levels for an app. The app provider sets these levels when publishing the app.

  • Snowflake recommends reviewing the trace events and log messages in the event table before enabling event sharing.

  • Snowflake recommends disabling event sharing if you do not need to troubleshoot the app.

Set up an event table

To collect the log messages and trace events emitted by the app, consumers must create an event table to store the information.


IF the consumer does not set up an event table and make it the active event table before installing the app, trace event and log data is discarded.

If a provider includes required event definitions in the app, they are enabled by default during installation. However, if the consumer does not have an active event table, the log messages and trace events emitted by the app are discarded.

An account can have multiple event tables, but only one of them can be set as the active event table in a Snowflake account at a time. Without an active event table, log messages and trace events that the app emits are not captured. This is true even if the functions and procedures in an app call the logging and trace event APIs directly.

To create an event table, run the CREATE EVENT TABLE command as shown in the following example:

CREATE EVENT TABLE event_db.event_schema.my_event_table;

Note that this command specifies the database and schema that contain the event table.

After creating the event table, use the ALTER ACCOUNT command to specify that the event table is the active table for the account:

ALTER ACCOUNT SET EVENT_TABLE=event_db.event_schema.my_event_table;

Enable event sharing for an app

The Snowflake Native App Framework supports sharing log messages and trace events stored in the consumer event table with the app provider. To share logs and event information with a provider, the consumer must enable event sharing for an app.

Prerequisites for enabling event sharing for an app

The following prerequisites must be met to enable event sharing for an app instance:

Enable event sharing using Snowsight


If the provider includes required event definitions in the app, event sharing and the required event definitions are enabled during installation and cannot be disabled later.

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Apps.

  3. Select the app.

  4. Select the Settings icon in the toolbar.

  5. Select the Events and logs tab.

  6. Under the Events and logs sharing area, move the slider for the events you want to capture.

  7. If the provider has defined event definitions for the app:

    1. Use the slider to enable optional event definitions. By default, all event types are enabled.

    2. Select Save.

  8. If no event table is currently selected, select the event table from the list under Event table location.


    Use caution when changing the event table in Snowsight. Each Snowflake account uses a single event table for all events generated within the account. Changing the event table causes all events generated in the account to be stored in the new location.

Enable event sharing by using SQL

  1. Use the SHOW TELEMETRY EVENT DEFINITIONS command to determine the event definitions for the app:


    If the provider did not configure the app to use event definitions, the type column displays ALL. Otherwise, this command lists the optional event definitions specified for the app.

  2. If the app contains required event definitions, use the ALTER APPLICATION command to enable them:


    This command enables all of the require event definitions, but does not enable optional event definitions.


    After enabling the required event definitions for an app, event sharing cannot be disabled.

  3. If the app contains options event definitions, use the use the ALTER APPLICATION to enable them as shown in the following example:


    This example enables the SNOWFLAKE$TRACES and SNOWFLAKE$DEBUG_LOGS based on the output of the SHOW TELEMETRY EVENT DEFINITIONS command.

  4. To verify that event tracing and logging is enabled, use the DESC APPLICATION command:

    DESC APPLICATION hello_snowflake;

    The authorize_telemetry_event_sharing and share_events_with_provider rows of the output indicate if event sharing is enabled.

Enable event sharing using SQL (deprecated functionality)


The method of enabling event sharing using SQL described in this section will be deprecated in a future release. Snowflake recommends using the method described in Enable log and event sharing using SQL to enable event sharing using SQL.

To enable event sharing for an app, run the ALTER APPLICATION command to set SHARE_EVENTS_WITH_PROVIDER to TRUE. For example:


To show the event sharing status for an app, use the DESC APPLICATION command as shown in the following example:


SHARE_EVENTS_WITH_PROVIDER shows the status of event sharing for the app.

Enable event definitions during upgrades

During upgrades, event definitions behave as follows:

Change to event definition

Behavior during upgrade

No change to an event definition

The event definition retains the same status as the previous version or patch.

A new event definition

Not enabled automatically. This is true for both required and optional event definitions. The consumer must manually enable new event definitions.

Changes from required to optional or optional to required

The event definition retains the same status as the previous version or patch.

Deleted event definition

Event sharing stops after upgrade for log messages or trace events filter in the previous version or patch.

During upgrade, consumers are prompted to review the changes to event definitions from the previous patch or version.

View the log messages and trace events in the event table

When an event table is enabled, consumers can query the event table to see the log messages and trace events emitted by the app.

View the event log messages and trace events by using Snowsight

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.

  2. In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Apps.

  3. Select the app.

  4. In the toolbar, select Settings.

  5. Select the App events tab.

  6. In the Event logging section, select View logs.

This opens a new worksheet with a pre-populated SELECT statement that displays the log messages and trace events for the app.

View the event log messages and trace events by using SQL

Use the SELECT command to query the event log messages and trace events, as shown in the following example:

  TIMESTAMP as time,
  RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES[''] as executable,
  RECORD['severity_text'] as severity,
  VALUE as message

This command returns all of the log messages and trace events stored in the event table CONSUMER_EVENT_TABLE for an app named YOUR_APP_NAME.

Determine if a log message or trace event is shared with the provider

The RECORD_ATTRIBUTES column contains the snow.application.shared field. If the value of this field is TRUE, the log message or trace event is shared with the provider. Otherwise, the log message or event is not shared.

View the log and trace levels for an app

The log and trace level of an app are defined by the provider before publishing an app. Consumers cannot change the log and trace levels for an app.

However, before setting up event tracing or enabling event sharing for an app, Snowflake recommends verifying the log level to understand the type of information that collected and shared with the provider.

To view the log and trace level of an app, run the following command:


This command displays information about the HelloSnowflake app, including the following information about the log and trace level set for the app:

  • log_level: The log level set by the provider.

  • trace_level: The trace level set by the provider.

  • metric_level: The metric data level set by the provider.

  • effective_log_level: The log level set for the app.

  • effective_trace_level: The trace level enabled for the app.

The effective log and trace levels are determined by the event definitions the consumer enables for the app.

For example, if the provider defines the log level as OFF, but consumer enables the ERROR_AND_WARNING event definition, the app dynamically changes log level to WARN so that ERROR_AND_WARNING events can be collected. The app emits events that are less or equally as verbose as WARN and shares those error and warning events with the provider. The values of log_level would be OFF and the value of effective_log_level would be WARN.

In contrast, if the provider defines the log level as TRACE, but the consumer enables the ERROR_AND_WARNING event definition, the app emits events that are less or equally as verbose as trace, but only error and warning messages are shared with the provider. The value of both log_level and effective_log_level would be TRACE.