Surveillance du Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data

Cette section explique comment surveiller l’état du Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data et résoudre les problèmes.

À propos de la surveillance du connecteur

To monitor the state of the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data and troubleshoot problems, you can access the connector’s configuration, error messages and statistics using the following database objects.




The list of currently configured reports, including information about the most recent ingestion

  • Report unique id and name

  • Google Analytics property id

  • Intervalle d’actualisation

  • Informations sur l’ingestion la plus récente


Log of events that happened during ingestion. Each ingestion of data made by the connector is logged to this table

  • Log timestamp - timestamp at which the event occured

  • Property id - GA property for which the report is defined

  • Started at - start of a single ingestion cycle

  • Refreshed at - end of a single ingestion cycle

  • Number of rows - how many rows were fetched during the ingestion

  • GA Request - the GA API request

  • Error message - error message when something failed, NULL indicates a successful ingestion

Ces objets sont accessibles aux rôles d’application ADMIN et VIEWER définis par le connecteur.