Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data installation and configuration tasks

Working with the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data includes the following common task areas:

Review each before installing and configuring a Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data instance.

커넥터 설치 및 구성하기

Perform the following tasks to install and configure the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data.

After all prerequisites are satisfied you can install and configure your Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data.



Preparing your Google Analytics and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) accounts

Before installing the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data, you must set up your Google accounts and meet any common prerequisites.

Configuring service account authentication for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

To provide service account credentials, you must first create them in your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.

Configuring OAuth authentication for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

To provide the OAuth client ID and secret, you must first create them in your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.

Installing and configuring the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data

Installing the connector.

Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data 를 설치하고 구성한 후에는 Managing the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data 에 설명된 대로 기본 관리를 설정해야 합니다.

커넥터 모니터링 및 관리하기

Review and perform the following tasks to provide routine management and monitoring of the connector.



Managing the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data

이 항목에서는 커넥터를 설치 및 구성한 후 수행해야 할 수도 있는 일반적인 작업을 설명합니다.

Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data 모니터링하기

This section describes how to monitor the state of the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data.

데이터 수집 설정 및 데이터 검토하기

After installing and configuring the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data you must configure data ingestion and can then begin accessing data.

Perform the following tasks to configure data ingestion and begin accessing ServiceNow data.



Setting up data ingestion for your Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data instance

Defines how the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data ingests data.

가져온 Google Analytics 데이터에 액세스하기

Access ingested data.

문제 해결

Review and perform the following tasks to troubleshoot errors with the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data installation of normal day-to-day activities.



Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data 문제 해결하기

Verifying connection and checking the execution log.