Setting up data ingestion for your Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data instance

This section describes how to access Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data in your Snowflake account.

Adding reports in the connector

To set up data ingestion using Snowsight, do the following:

  1. ACCOUNTADMIN 역할을 가진 사용자로 Snowsight 에 로그인합니다.

  2. 탐색 메뉴에서 Data Products » Apps 를 선택합니다.

  3. Search for the Snowflake Connector for Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Aggregate Data, then select the tile for the connector

  4. Data sync 섹션에서 Add report 을 선택합니다.

    This displays a new dialog box.

    In this dialog box, fill in the following fields:



    Report name

    Identifier for the new report.

    대상 스키마에 고유한 이름을 지정하십시오. 보고서의 이름은 따옴표가 없는 오브젝트 식별자 의 명명 규칙을 따라야 합니다.


    A Google Analytics property that holds the data you want to ingest.

    사용 가능한 Google Analytics 속성 중 하나를 선택하십시오.


    If a Google Analytics property that you would like to use is not available, check whether the credentials used by the connector have access to it. For more details, see Preparing your Google Analytics and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) accounts.


    Google Analytics 4 dimensions that you want to appear in your report.

    차원은 데이터의 특성입니다. 예를 들어 차원 city 는 이벤트가 발생한 도시를 나타냅니다. 커넥터는 모든 보고서에 date 차원을 포함합니다.


    The dimensions field shows up after choosing the Google Analytics property. At most 9 dimensions can be configured.

    사용 가능한 차원에 대한 자세한 내용은 API 차원 및 메트릭 을 참조하십시오.


    Google Analytics 4 metrics that you want to appear in your report.

    Metrics are quantitative measurements of a report. For example, the metric active1DayUsers is the number of distinct active users on your site or app within a 1 day period. You must select at least one metric.


    The metrics field shows up after choosing the Google Analytics property. At most 10 metrics can be configured.

    사용 가능한 메트릭에 대한 자세한 내용은 API 차원 및 메트릭 을 참조하십시오.

    Keep empty rows

    If selected, the ingested data should contain records with dimension combinations for which all the metrics are zero (indicating that there were no events correlated with those dimensions).


    It’s not guaranteed that all dimension combinations will be present in the ingested data.

    Sync data from

    Start date for the initial load of data.

    Sync schedule

    Sync frequency for the ongoing load of data.

  5. Start Sync 를 선택합니다.

    It can take a few minutes for the ingestion process to complete. The table and view with your report data will not be visible in the destination database until the data from GA is fully fetched.

Deleting reports from the connector

To delete an existing report from the connector, do the following:

  1. In the Data sync section, select trash bin icon next to a report that you want to delete.

    This displays a confirmation dialog asking you to confirm you want to delete the selected report.

  2. Delete Report 를 선택합니다.

    It can take a while for the delete report process to complete.


    보고서를 삭제해도 해당 보고서에 대해 수집된 데이터는 삭제되지 않습니다.

    The confirmation dialog closes and the report is removed from the Reports section.