Share an app with consumers¶
After developing and testing the application package containing your app , you can publish the app to consumers using listings.
As a provider, you add an application package as the data content of an listing. The consumer installs the app in their account from the listing.
Set up roles and privileges¶
When you create a listing, you create it from the account that has the data or application package in it. The role that attaches a data product to a listing and publishes the listing must be the same role that created, and therefore owns, the application package or share. You cannot transfer the OWNERSHIP privilege for a share.
If you use a different role to create and manage the listing, grant the MODIFY privilege on the listing to the role that owns the application package or share. For example:
- Share or application package owner role:
OWNERSHIP privilege on the share or application package. MODIFY privilege on the listing.
- Listing owner role:
OWNERSHIP privilege on the listing.
Within the provider account, you can use one of the following to create and manage listings:
If you use the ACCOUNTADMIN role to create and manage listings, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment.
- Custom role:
If you use a custom role, the ORGADMIN role must first delegate privileges to set up auto-fulfillment to the ACCOUNTADMIN role, which can then be used to grant the relevant privileges to the custom role.
For more information about granting sharing privileges, see Granting Privileges to Other Roles.
Prerequisites for publishing a listing for an application package¶
Before creating a listing for an application package, ensure that you have completed the following:
Create and test your application package.
Before publishing your application package, ensure that it is working correctly and that the roles and privileges are set properly.
Become a Provider of Listings
Becoming a provider of listings in Snowflake makes it easier to manage sharing apps from your account to other Snowflake accounts. See About listing providers.
Creating a provider profile is not required for private listings.
Workflow for publishing an application package¶
To publish an application package:
Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites for publishing a listing for an application package.
(Optional) Add a pricing plan to get paid for your application.
Submit your listing for approval.
You only need to approve listings published to the Snowflake Marketplace.
Set the default release directive¶
Before creating a listing for an application package, you must specify the default release directive for the application package. You can set the default release directive using SQL.
Initiate the automated security scan for an application package¶
To publish a listing for an application package to an account outside of your organization, your application package must pass an automated security scan.
Refer to Initiating an Automated Security Review.
Create a listing for an application package¶
To share your app with consumers, create a listing for your application package.
Create a private listing for an application package¶
To offer your application package to specific consumers, create a listing:
Sign in to Snowsight.
In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.
Select + Create Listing. The Create Listing window opens.
Enter a name for your listing.
In the Who can discover the listing section, select Only specified consumers to privately share the listing with specific accounts.
Click + Select to select the application package to be in the listing.
Enter a description for your listing.
(Optional) If you have multiple provider profiles, select which provider profile to use to publish this listing.
In the Add consumer accounts section, add the account identifiers for the consumers with whom you want to share the listing.
If the consumer accounts are located in another region, set up auto-fulfillment:
Review the refresh frequency configured at the account level. If you need to use a different refresh frequency, see Set account-level refresh interval.
Optionally select a warehouse to use to set up auto-fulfillment.
Select Publish to publish the listing to the selected consumers, or select Save Draft to save it as a draft.
To monetize your app, add a pricing plan.
Create a listing for an application package for the Snowflake Marketplace¶
To offer your application package on the Snowflake Marketplace, create a listing:
Sign in to Snowsight.
In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.
Select + Create Listing. The Create Listing window opens.
Enter a name for your listing.
In the Who can discover the listing section, select Anyone on the Marketplace to publish the listing on the Snowflake Marketplace.
In the How will consumers access the data product? section, select Free or Paid.
Select Next. A draft listing is created.
Before publishing your draft listing, you must configure additional required and optional capabilities.
Configure a Snowflake Marketplace listing for an application package¶
After you create a listing for the Snowflake Marketplace, you must configure additional information for your listing so that you can submit it for approval and publish it.
To configure a listing:
Sign in to Snowsight.
In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.
Select the Listings tab, then select the draft listing you want to configure.
Select Add next to each section that appears on the page and provide the required information.
As you provide information for each section, refer to Configure listings for information on each field. The specific properties available to edit depend on the type of listing that you create.
If you want to monetize your Snowflake Native App, add a pricing plan to get paid for your Snowflake Native App.
Submit a listing for approval¶
Before you can publish a listing to the Snowflake Marketplace, you must submit the listing to Snowflake for approval.
If you want to submit your listing for approval, but the option to Submit for Approval is disabled, check the following:
You completed the steps to configure the listing.
You are the ACCOUNTADMIN or have the OWNERSHIP privilege for the data product attached to the listing.
All sample SQL queries attached to the listing pass validation.
To submit a listing for approval:
Sign in to Snowsight.
In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.
Select the Listings tab, then select the draft listing you want to submit for approval.
Select Submit for Approval.
After the listing is reviewed by Snowflake, the state changes to Approved or Denied.
If the listing has been denied, update the listing based on the feedback provided in comments, and resubmit it for approval.
When a listing is approved or denied, an email notification is sent to both the Business Contact and Technical Contact email addresses in the provider profile associated with the listing.
Publish a listing for an application package¶
To publish an approved listing on the Snowflake Marketplace:
Sign in to Snowsight.
In the navigation menu, select Data Products » Provider Studio.
Select the Listings tab, then select the listing you want to publish.
Select Publish.
After publishing your Snowflake Marketplace listing, you can define a referral link to share a direct link to your listing with consumers.