Configuring the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Raw Data using SQL

The Snowflake connector for Google Analytics Raw Data is subject to the Connector Terms.

This topic provides information on configuring the Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Raw Data through SQL.


Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Raw Data configuration is typically done using Snowsight. SQL configuration is considered an advanced configuration method and should only be used by those familiar with the the underlying details of connector configuration.

To configure the connector using SQL statements, do the following:


In order to provision the connector and configure connection you will have to use stored procedures that are defined in the PUBLIC schema of the database that serves as an instance of the connector installation database.

Before calling these stored procedures, select that database as the database to use for the session.

For example, if that database is named snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data, run the following command:

USE DATABASE snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;

Prepare a warehouse, data owner role and destination database

  1. Grant usage on specified warehouse and task execution permissions to the connector application.

    USE ROLE accountadmin;
    CREATE WAREHOUSE google_analytics_raw_data_warehouse with warehouse_size = 'X-Small';
    GRANT USAGE ON WAREHOUSE google_analytics_raw_data_warehouse TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
    GRANT EXECUTE TASK ON ACCOUNT TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
    GRANT EXECUTE MANAGED TASK ON ACCOUNT TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
  2. Create the data owner role.

    USE ROLE accountadmin;
    CREATE OR REPLACE ROLE google_analytics_raw_data_resources_provider;
    GRANT CREATE DATABASE ON ACCOUNT TO ROLE google_analytics_raw_data_resources_provider;
    GRANT USAGE ON WAREHOUSE google_analytics_raw_data_warehouse TO ROLE google_analytics_raw_data_resources_provider;
    GRANT ROLE google_analytics_raw_data_resources_provider TO USER ADMIN;
  3. Create a destination database and schema.

    You may also use an existing destination database and schema – especially if you’re re-installing the connector.

    USE ROLE google_analytics_raw_data_resources_provider;
    CREATE DATABASE google_analytics_raw_data_dest_db;
    CREATE SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_dest_db.google_analytics_raw_data_dest_schema;
  4. Add required grants on the destination database to the application.

    USE ROLE accountadmin;
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE google_analytics_raw_data_dest_db TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_dest_db.google_analytics_raw_data_dest_schema TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
    GRANT CREATE TABLE ON SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_dest_db.google_analytics_raw_data_dest_schema TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
    GRANT CREATE VIEW ON SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_dest_db.google_analytics_raw_data_dest_schema TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
  5. (Optional) Transfer ownership of tables and views in the destination schema

    If the connector was reinstalled and a previous destination schema is reused, ownership of all tables and views in destination schema must be transferred to the connector. The connector requires ownership privilege to manage grants on objects in schema and to recreate flattened views when schema of ingested table is changed.

    To transfer the ownership call the SYSTEM$GRANT_OWNERSHIP_TO_APPLICATION function.

    USE ROLE accountadmin;
    CALL SYSTEM$GRANT_OWNERSHIP_TO_APPLICATION(<connector_app>, true, <destination_database>, <destination_schema>);

    The SYSTEM$GRANT_OWNERSHIP_TO_APPLICATION is a system function provided by Snowflake that allows the transfer of ownership of tables and views in a specified database or schema to the application. Only the ownership of regular tables and regular views is transferred, e.g. ownership of dynamic tables, external tables, materialized views, etc. won’t be transferred.

    The function has the following signature:

    SYSTEM$GRANT_OWNERSHIP_TO_APPLICATION(<to_app>, <should_copy_grants>, <from_database>, <from_schema>)



    Specifies the name of the application to which the ownership of objects should be transferred.


    If TRUE then copy existing grants, otherwise revoke. Copying grants requires MANAGE GRANTS permission on the caller.


    Name of the database containing objects whose ownership should be changed.


    (Optional) name of the schema containing objects whose ownership should be changed. If no schema is specified, ownership is transferred on tables and views in all schemas in the provided database. Objects in managed schemas are omitted during ownership transfer.

    To execute the function the caller must meet one of the following conditions:

    • It has MANAGE GRANTS permission (e.g. ACCOUNTADMIN or SECURITYADMIN role), or

    • It contains role owning the application instance and role owning all objects to transfer the ownership. Objects on which the ownership is missing are omitted by the function.

    For example, to transfer ownership to the connector that:

    • Was installed as snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data

    • Uses the schema named dest_db.dest_schema for the Google Analytics data in Snowflake

    Run the following command:

    USE ROLE accountadmin;
    CALL SYSTEM$GRANT_OWNERSHIP_TO_APPLICATION('snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data', true, 'dest_db', 'dest_schema');

    If needed, grant DATA_READER application role to the role previously owning the data to prevent disruptions of existing pipelines using the data:

    GRANT APPLICATION ROLE <connector_app>.DATA_READER TO ROLE <previous_data_owner_role>;

    Note that DATA_READER application role won’t have any grants on tables and views in destination schema until PROVISION_CONNECTOR procedure is run.

Provision the connector

  1. Call the PROVISION_CONNECTOR procedure.

    Pass the name of the warehouse, destination database and schema, and data owner role. These values are case-sensitive.


Create Snowflake objects required for connecting to the GCP

  1. Create a security integration for your service account.

    First, you need a service account key file. For details on how to create one see Configuring service account authentication for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

    type = api_authentication
    auth_type = oauth2
    oauth_client_id = '<value of client_id from the JSON key file>'
    oauth_token_endpoint = ''
    enabled = true
    oauth_allowed_scopes = (
    oauth_assertion_issuer = '<value of client_email from the JSON key file>'
    oauth_client_secret = '<value of private_key from the JSON key file with no delimiters or newlines>';
  2. Create a secret using the security integration.

    CREATE DATABASE google_analytics_raw_data_connector_secret;
    CREATE SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_connector_secret.oauth;
    USE SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_connector_secret.oauth;
    CREATE OR REPLACE SECRET google_analytics_raw_data
    type = oauth2
    api_authentication = google_analytics_raw_data_security_integration;
  3. Provide secret-related grants to the connector application.

    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE google_analytics_raw_data_connector_secret TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
    GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_connector_secret.oauth TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
    GRANT READ ON SECRET google_analytics_raw_data_connector_secret.oauth.google_analytics_raw_data TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;
  4. Configure external access.

    Keep in mind, that the path to the secret passed to allowed_authentication_secrets is case-sensitive.

    USE SCHEMA google_analytics_raw_data_connector_secret.oauth;
    mode = EGRESS
    type = HOST_PORT
    value_list = (
    allowed_network_rules = (google_analytics_raw_data_allow_rule)
    enabled = true;
    GRANT USAGE ON INTEGRATION google_analytics_raw_data_external_access_integration TO APPLICATION snowflake_connector_for_google_analytics_raw_data;

Configure connection with the GCP

  1. Call the CONFIGURE_CONNECTION procedure.

    Pass the name of the external access integration, the full path to the secret, and the name of the security integration. These values are case sensitive.

  2. Check the connection status.


    If there are no errors, you can follow Setting up data ingestion for your Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics Raw Data to enable your Google Analytics properties.