Prerequisites for Snowflake Connector for MySQL datasources


The Snowflake Connector for MySQL is subject to the Connector Terms.

Before installing the Snowflake Connector for MySQL, do the following in your MySQL environment:

Configure associated datasource

  • Ensure that you have a MySQL version 8 or higher server that includes data you want to synchronize with Snowflake.

  • Set the following options for your MySQL server:

    log_bin = on
    binlog_format = row
    binlog_row_metadata = full
    binlog_row_image = full
    binlog_row_value_options =


    Be cautious about the binary log expiration period (binlog_expire_logs_seconds). After it ends, binary log files might be automatically removed. If the agent is paused for a long period of time (for example due to maintenance work) and the expired binary log files are deleted during this time, the agent is not able to replicate the data from these files. Set the binary log expiration period to at least a few hours to ensure stable work of the connector.

    For more information about the automatic purging of binary log files, see MySQL Reference Manual.

Create required user

Create a user for the Snowflake Connector for MySQL with the following permissions:

  • REPLICATION SLAVE and REPLICATION CLIENT to be able to read from binlog.

    For example:

    GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO '<username>'@'%'
    GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO '<username>'@'%'
  • SELECT permission to all tables that are replicated.

    For example:

    GRANT SELECT ON <schema>.* TO '<username>'@'%'
    GRANT SELECT ON <schema>.<table> TO '<username>'@'%'

    Where <schema>.<table> is the unique identifier of a table to be replicated.

Next steps

After completing these procedures, follow the steps in Setting up the Snowflake Connector for MySQL using Snowsight.