Tutorial: Snowflake ServiceNow® data ingestion connector installation


Use this tutorial to configure and understand the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® using the Snowsight wizard, select some tables, ingest data, and run an example query.

This tutorial is not meant to be exhaustive. Please review About the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® for full functionality and limitations.


This tutorial assumes you do not have a ServiceNow® account, so it guides you through the steps of creating a developer account. If you do have a Servicenow® account, feel free to try it out, with the caveat that the Snowflake connector for ServiceNow® is subject to the Connector Terms.


Before beginning this tutorial please ensure that you have met the following requirements:

  • ORGADMIN rights to Accept the Terms of Service in the Snowflake Marketplace.

  • ACCOUNTADMIN rights on the Snowflake account where you want to install the connector.

What you’ll learn

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to:

  • How to set up the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow®.

  • How to ingest ServiceNow® data into Snowflake

  • How to stop the connector to avoid unnecessary costs in a development environment.

What you’ll need

What you’ll build

A ServiceNow® to Snowflake ingestion data flow.

Set up the ServiceNow® developer instance

If you do not want to test this connector on your ServiceNow® account, you can use a developer instance. This section describes how to set up a developer instance.

  1. Go to the ServiceNow® developer website, and create a developer user.

  2. Log on to the developer website with your newly created user and select Create an Instance.

  3. Choose an instance type. You’ll receive an email with your instance URL, and your user and password.

Deployment is usually pretty quick, around five minutes. But, while you wait, let’s go to the next step and configure Snowflake!

Create and set up the Snowflake account

Create a Snowflake account

If you do not have a Snowflake account, you can get a free trial at snowflake.com. Select Start for Free and follow the instructions.

Accept the Terms & Conditions

  1. Log on to your Snowflake account through the Snowsight web interface and change to the ORGADMIN role.

  2. Select Admin » Billing & Terms.

  3. In the Snowflake Marketplace section, review the Consumer Terms of Service.

  4. If you agree to the terms, select Accept Terms & Conditions.

Set up a virtual warehouse

Connectors require a virtual warehouse. To create the required warehouse perform the following:

Change to the ACCOUNTADMIN role.

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Warehouses and select + Warehouse.

  2. Specify CONNECTOR_UI_WH as warehouse name, size XS, and, and leaving all other the defaults.

  3. Select Create Warehouse.

Install the ServiceNow® connector

The connector is delivered through the Snowflake Marketplace, and is available to all Snowflake customers. Once chosen, it is installed into your account as an application with several views and stored procedures.

  1. In the left menu select Data Products and then Marketplace.

  2. In the search window, enter ServiceNow and select the tile.

  3. Review the business needs and usage samples.

  4. Select Get.

  5. Select the warehouse previously created, CONNECTOR_UI_WH.

  6. Select Options.

  7. For this tutorial, accept the default name for the installation database, Snowflake_Connector_for_ServiceNow. Do not select any additional roles.

  8. Select Get. Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow will display indicating the connector is now ready to use.

  9. Select Done. Manage options will be specified it in the next section.

Next, check that the connector was installed. From Snowsight, go to Data Products -> Apps. You should see a new installed application with the name Snowflake_Connector_for_ServiceNow.

Navigate to the public schema in Data -> Databases, and examine the newly available views and procedures.

Complete all the prerequisites

Launch the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® from the Data Products -> Apps -> Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow. You will be presented with a list of tasks that need to be completed before the connector can start data ingestion. Please read the following descriptions carefully and complete each.

One of the final steps asks you to create an application registry if you want to enable OAuth2 authentication. The next several steps will focus on this.

For the next section, we suggest you open two browser tabs so that you can copy certain data from Snowflake to ServiceNow®:

  • From the Snowflake, use the connector to generate the redirect URL which will be pasted into the Application Registry.

  • From the ServiceNow®, you’ll need the Application Registry to provide the Client ID and secret, which you then paste into Snowflake.

On Snowflake

  1. Copy the redirect URL. You will need it in the next section.

  2. Open a new tab in your browser (without closing the above) and follow the steps in the next section.

On ServiceNow®

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow® developer instance.

  2. From the main page, select All and search Application Registry.

  3. Select New in the upper right-hand side of the window.

  4. Select Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.

  5. Give the endpoint a name, such as Snowflake_connector. Leave the client secret blank, as the value populates automatically later in the procedure.

  6. Paste in the redirect URL that was generated on the Snowflake side.

  7. Select Submit. The window closes.

  8. Select the registry you just created to re-open it. Note that the Client ID and Client secret are auto-generated.

    Don’t close the ServiceNow® browser tab or store the Client ID and Client secret in some safe place, they will be needed later.

    Return to the Snowflake configuration tab.

Configure the connector

  1. Select Start configuration. This Configure screen displays. By default, the fields are set to the names of objects that were created when you configured the connector. You can also use existing objects. The virtual warehouse selected will be used by the connector for background data ingestion.

  2. Review Configuring the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® for more information.

  3. Select Configure.

Note that it can take a few minutes for the configuration process to complete.


This step created a Large warehouse with its auto suspension set to ten minutes. If you set to refresh every hour, the Large warehouse (8 credits/hour) will wake up for a minimum of 10 minutes every hour. For this tutorial, this is not needed. Go to Admin -> Warehouses -> SERVICENOW_WAREHOUSE -> … > Edit, and change this to an XSMALL, and the auto timeout to one minute. In a real-life use case, a Large warehouse size is often needed.


You should attach a resource monitor to the SERVICENOW_WAREHOUSE. To attach a resource monitor navigate to Admin » Resource Monitors, and select Resource Monitor, and then create a warehouse resource monitor.

Set up the Snowflake to ServiceNow® OAuth2 hand-shake

  1. Select OAuth2 as an authentication method.

  2. Fill in the ServiceNow® instance details. This is the first part of the ServiceNow® URL for your ServiceNow® account, without https://* protocol and the trailing service-now.com.

  3. Paste the Client id and the Client secret from ServiceNow® into the Snowflake wizard.

  4. Select Connect. Your ServiceNow® accounts pops up and requests to connect to Snowflake.

  5. Select Allow. The connection is established between the two systems.

To verify the connection, select the three dots […] and View Details. At the top of the pop-up you will see the date ServiceNow authenticated.


If you are having issues, perhaps the Client secret wasn’t copied. Unlock the password field and copy and paste the text.

Configure deletions sync

If you want not only inserts and updates, but also deletes to be synchronized to Snowflake, you have to provide name of the journal table. By default ServiceNow® uses sys_audit_delete table to store information about deleted records so feel free to provide this name. If you don’t care about deletes, you can leave this field empty.

Select Validate to check if the connector is able to connect to the source system and has access to all the required tables. It can take a few minutes for the process to complete. When it’s done, select Define data to sync to select tables for the ingestion.

Select ServiceNow® tables


Be aware that:

  • The connector can only ingest tables with sys_id columns present.

  • ServiceNow® views are not supported. Instead of ingesting these views, you should synchronize all tables for the underlying view and join the synchronized tables in Snowflake.

  • Incremental updates occur only for tables with sys_updated_on or sys_created_on columns.

  • For tables that do not have sys_updated_on or sys_created_on columns, the connector uses truncate and load mode. In this mode, the table is always ingested using the initial load approach, and newly ingested data replaces the old data.

  1. In the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow window, on the top bar, select Data Sync.

  2. To be able to run our test query later, we need to ingest a couple of tables. From the search window enter incident and check the box next to it and choose a 30 minute sync time.

  3. To choose other tables, clear the search, put the table name and select the checkbox. Do this at least for the task table.


Hint: Clear the search fields, and then select the title Status to sort and show all the tables you selected.

  1. Select Start Sync. The select window closes and you get the message Syncing Data from the main Connector window. In addition to the tables you choose, three system tables will also be loaded. These are necessary to build the views on the raw data: sys_dictionary, sys_db_object, and sys_glide_object.

You receive a message indicating success. It appears once at least one table has been fully ingested.


Don’t stop the ingest prematurely. Ensure that views are built in the destination database first.

Connector Monitoring

Open a worksheet to examine the connector status. Here are some examples of SQL queries you can execute to get monitoring information:

// Return general information about all ingestions
// Search for information about particular table ingestions
SELECT * FROM SNOWFLAKE_CONNECTOR_FOR_SERVICENOW.public.connector_stats WHERE table_name = '<table_name>';
// Examine connector configuration
// Calculate ingested data volume
    sum(ingested_rows) AS row_count
GROUP BY table_name
ORDER BY table_name;
// General connector statistics

Configuring access to the ingested data

The connector exposes the DATA_READER application role. This role has read access to all the ingested data in the destination schema. It’s automatically granted to the role provided during the Configure step of the installation process. It was named SERVICE_NOW_RESOURCES_PROVIDER in the screenshot earlier in this guide. You can grant either application role or account role further if needed.

Query the data

Examine the tables that the connector has created under the destination schema of the destination database. For each table in ServiceNow® that is configured for synchronization, the connector creates the following table and views:

  • A table with the same name that contains the data in raw form, where each record is contained in a single VARIANT column.

  • A view named table_name__view that contains the data in flattened form, where the view contains a column for each column in the original table and a row for each record that is present in the original table.


After you start the connector, it takes some time for the views to be created. The creation of the views relies on data in the ServiceNow® sys_db_object, sys_dictionary and sys_glide_object tables. The connector loads metadata from these ServiceNow® tables after you enable any table for synchronization. It can take some time for the connector to load this metadata. Do not stop the warehouse while views are being created.

  • A view named table_name__view_with_deleted that contains the same data as table_name__view as well as rows for records that have been deleted in ServiceNow®.

  • A table table_name__event_log that contains the history of changes fetched by the connector from ServiceNow®.

To query from the raw data, review Accessing the Raw Data. To query the views (recommended), review Accessing the Flattened Data.

Query to identify number of incidents raised by month and priority

Here’s a test query to identify the number of incidents raised by month and priority. Other example queries are provided on the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow® page in the Marketplace.


Granting access to the connector

The connector exposes two application roles beyond the one used to access the data in destination database:

  • The VIEWER role has read only access to the connector configuration and state

  • The ADMIN role that can modify connector configuration and enable/disable ingestion

To monitor errors, run stats, examine connector stats, and examine enabled tables, you can set up a ServiceNow® monitoring role that allows access to the views and read only procedures in the connector database.

For example, run the following in a worksheet (and then use the role):

USE ROLE accountadmin;
CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS servicenow_monitor_role;

Stop the Ingestion

During this tutorial, we’re only ingesting the data, so it makes sense to stop the ingestion after that initial load. However, in a production environment, you would not stop the connector.


If you do not stop the connector, it will wake up the virtual warehouse at the specified time interval and consume credits.

  1. In Snowsight, select the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow tile.

  2. In the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow window, select Pause Connector.

Uninstall the connector (but not the data)

If you have completed the tutorial or for any reason no longer need the connector you can easily uninstall it via the Snowflake Marketplace.

  1. Select Data Products and then Apps.

  2. Select three dots icon in the item on the list representing the connector app.

  3. Select Uninstall.

  4. Decide if you want to delete the objects owned by the application (tables and views with ingested data in the destination schema) or transfer ownership of them to another role.

  5. Select Uninstall.

Conclusion And Resources

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed and configured the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow®, ingested data and ran a query to gather insights on incidents and priority.

What you learned

  • How to set up the Snowflake Connector for ServiceNow®.

  • How to ingest ServiceNow® data into Snowflake.

  • How to stop the connector to avoid unnecessary costs in a development environment.